Moving to Feedburner? Don’t Lose Your RSS Followers

Is it time for your RSS feed to make the leap to Feedburner? It’s a great tool that can give you important analytics to help you see the success (we hope) and value of your RSS feeds.

So if you don’t already use it, you definitely should consider doing so. But if and when you do, I beg you to take one really important step to keep from losing your committed followers: Let them know that your feed has moved. Continue reading

Suggestion for Google Analytics: Better Integration of Feedburner

I love Google Analytics, and I love Feedburner. I especially love the new “Basic Blog Dashboard” custom report put together and shared by Justin Cutroni as part of Google’s rollout of its new custom dashboard sharing functionality.

But there’s one thing missing. I don’t believe Google has provided a way for me to pull my Feedburner subscriber data into a Google Analytics dashboard. This isn’t the same thing as seeing Feedburner-driven traffic within my analytics. Continue reading