Suggestion for Google Analytics: Better Integration of Feedburner

I love Google Analytics, and I love Feedburner. I especially love the new “Basic Blog Dashboard” custom report put together and shared by Justin Cutroni as part of Google’s rollout of its new custom dashboard sharing functionality.

But there’s one thing missing. I don’t believe Google has provided a way for me to pull my Feedburner subscriber data into a Google Analytics dashboard. This isn’t the same thing as seeing Feedburner-driven traffic within my analytics. I’ve got my feeds set up with GA parameters, and I can see the resulting traffic driven to my website within the Campaign reports. What’s missing is the ability to actually see the number of feed subscribers and feed clickthroughs — the data I can see within Feedburner’s analytics dashboard — within my Google Analytics interface.

I know; I know. It’s not as though I can’t see that data in Feedburner’s analytics interface; I can. But I’m lazy. I want to be able to see all of my blog-related data — including both the traffic driven by RSS (already available in GA) and the number of RSS subscribers to my blog (only available in Feedburner) in one place. I want my Google Analytics blog dashboard to be able to pull in the exact data I can already see within Feedburner.

I know these are free tools, and believe me when I say that I’m enormously grateful to have them. But it’s not a crime to wish for more, right? So this is my suggestion for the Google Analytics team: Give me a way to show Feedburner analytics data within GA.

These are both Google products; it should be possible. Right?

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