Bloody Rudolph: A gratitude journal

Every year for the past several years, my family and another have come together a few days before Christmas to make and decorate cookies together.

Sometimes a lot gets accomplished. Sometimes not so much. That’s not really the point. The point is that we have created a holiday tradition of fun and fellowship, one that brings us together to laugh and play (and work; making and icing cookies is hard work!), and one that feels closer to the meaning of Christmas than a frenzy of buying and wrapping and unwrapping. Continue reading

Cookies and Exhaustion and Christmas–It’s All Good

Christmas Cookies
I made about 300 Christmas cookies this weekend (literally), saw my first opera, painted toys to give to underprivileged children, finally bought those Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies we watch every New Year’s Eve, and did some good Christmas shopping–meaning, at the bookstore, where I always feel I’m getting gifts people will enjoy and also supporting writers. Oh, and I read some poetry, too.

Welcome to the holidays; it’s all good! Continue reading