Can’t access WordPress? I just wait.

It’s the lazy person’s solution and today a gift from the gods.

I lost administrative access to this site a couple of months ago. I did some quick searching to find the solution and got as far as figuring out that it meant I had to figure out how to access the back end – through the server, specifically through something called PhpMyadmin. If that means nothing to you, you don’t need to know more. I think I’ve seen PhpMyadmin at some point in my time writing this blog, but I really have no idea how to get in there. Being a busy girl with demands on my time, I had to take an unwanted hiatus from posting because I didn’t have time to figure out the fix.

Today I mustered the energy … and discovered the problem had solved itself. So here I am again, courtesy of the gods and goddesses of blogging and creativity and coding.

Actually, the gods and goddesses of creativity have shined on me this week. I’m taking a much-needed week off work, escaping the huge project that has been eating up 50+ hours per week for several months. I shut my work computer down Friday night, and aside from a couple of hours of final tidying yesterday I’ve no plans to fire it back up again unless I’m summoned back for an emergency.

Freed from that, my creative energy has returned from months of dormancy. I wrote one poem and finished another yesterday. I’ve started reading again. (The fact that I had effectively stopped is the true bellwether of how stressed I’ve been. Reading is normally my primary escape.) I took a couple of photos for no reason other than something caught my eye. See them here. Bonus points if you can find the duckling.

And today I returned to an old but occasional creative challenge: drawing something I’ve come across during the course of my day. I’m no artist, and this is something I’m fairly self-conscious about. But if I give myself permission to draw badly, I find that the activity centers me and helps me live in my present, and gives me something tangible to show to boot. Also I find that I don’t draw quite as badly as I believe.

So I’m back. At least for now. Today’s drawing, and probably several more to come, was inspired by the book The Hidden Life of Trees: What they Feel, How they Communicate, by Peter Wohlleben. For the first time ever, I share my work:

Can’t access the WordPress admin?

I don’t mean to tease. If you actually showed up here because you’ve found yourself locked out of your WordPress administrative interface, these links might help:


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