Summer haiku

Poet Kwame Alexander issued a call this morning on National Public Radio for haiku inspired by summer memories, but without using the word summer. As Alexander was finishing up his segment on NPR’s Morning Edition, I was just pulling into the parking lot of my office building, and the opening line “Watermelon drips” popped into my brain. I forgot it for the duration of my (11 1/2-hour) workday, but after coming home I opened my notepad and started playing.

Here are my three offerings. Join me in a haiku challenge, and share your own in the comments.

Watermelon drips
trace sticky warpaint patterns
on children’s faces

Gooey marshmallow
melds chocolate bars to grahams—
Campfire memories

Crack of bat on ball,
outfielder pedals backward,
leaping at the fence


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