Stop on by for a cuppa

Food fills our bellies
but it’s drink nourishes our souls.
I’ll eat your pizza,
your cake your pie,
your casseroles dumplings soups and salads
and I’ll give you mine
with a smile.
But what we really need
and always keep on hand
(to share on a moment’s notice or none at all)
is tea,
is coffee.

My cupboard is filled with teas,
near-infinite variety,
box upon box,
tin next to tin,
green, black, white, herb,
bags and loose,
an entire shelf
spilling over
into another
so I can put the kettle on
and provide whatever you most fancy
today now anytime.

The coffee supply is less diverse
but always abundant,
both regular and unleaded
to fuel your spirit
any time of day.

Stop on by for a cuppa.
You know you’re always welcome
after all these years…

This one is a couple of days late, prompted by Tweetspeak Poetry’s Poetic Earth Month challenge from Thursday, April 11, to write a poem about the foods we keep on hand, possibly beginning or ending with the words “After all these years of… .”

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