Facebook Usage Is Fluid, Not Falling

I saw a really good follow-up article today regarding that recent Pew report that showed it isn’t uncommon for people to take a break from their social media accounts. You know the study – the one that has so many people gnashing their teeth and saying that Facebook usage is falling off.

As I’ve said before, I don’t think Facebook is in danger because of this. As I said when the report first came out at the beginning of the month:

"There have been times when I’ve gone a few weeks without using Facebook
much; but I’ve come back."

Today, MediaPost put it differently on the Research Blog: Facebook usage, they said, is fluid.

That’s it, really – the perfect description. People come; people go. Some people leave the site altogether, never to come back; others come in for the first time. That doesn’t mean the overall number stays the same. Based on people’s projections for their own behavior, the study suggests there may be more people reducing their social media time right now than increasing it. But that could change next year.

It’s not that Mark Zuckerberg and other social media execs have nothing to worry about. But the sky isn’t falling.

If you haven’t read the Research Brief analysis, you should. It’s a good analysis.


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